Category: edelweiss
Edelweiss School Graduation Ceremony
Celebrating another great academic year with 140 children enrolled at AlphaBet Club Building Blocks Edelweiss in India.
Celebrating 46 Students Graduating to 1st Grade, plus 20 advancing to UKG Grade, plus 36 After School Program attendees, a great school staff, 110,000 times our students washed their hands at our school this year and surpassing 299,000 nutritious meals served at our schools these last 5 years.
We also celebrated that 46 students (11 of our graduating students and 35 of our …past graduates) have been sponsored by private individuals to get next 10 years of their education sponsored.
Special thanks to our local partner in India, Building Blocks India whose expertise make our Edelweiss, Freesia and Gardenia School projects possible, and we thank all the teachers and staff for another great year full of education, nutrition, fun, love and growth for these children. Special thanks also to AlphaBet Club donors, … Read more »
Edelweiss School April 2016 Newsletter Update
46 students from K5 level graduated in April and are moving over to other neighborhood schools. A gala graduation ceremony was arranged in the GD Mara slum for our graduating children and their families. The program started with the lighting of the lamp by ABC Founder, Troy Swanson, Building Blocks Founder, James Ambat and ABC Project Manager, Meena Gupta and with a welcome dance performed by the After School Program children at Edelweiss.
Kindergarten diplomas were handed over to all the 46 children. Special awards in various categories were also given out. Over 300+ people attended this ceremony and it turned out to be a great day of celebration for our graduating class and their families!
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 140
Total number of meals served this month: 2,994
No. of school days: 16
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 104
Average attendance: 89
Attendance in … Read more »
Edelweiss School March 2016 Newsletter Update
In the month of March, Edelweiss has seen a lot of progress in academics to complete and revise their curriculum portions. K5 Children also went through a final assessment in March to assess their learning outcome from the entire year.
Parents meeting was conducted for the After School Program parents and for the seven newly sponsored kids. This year again, the sponsored children along with the previously sponsored children (ASP) will attend the Ankita School in the GD Mara slum neighborhood. In this meeting they were informed about the fee structure for Ankita School and the parents contribution towards the fee payment.
Holi the ‘Festival of Colors’ was celebrated in school with children and their parents all participating with a lot of joy. Needless to say, children were very happy to wear different colors on this day of celebration!!
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of … Read more »
Edelweiss School February 2016 Newsletter Update
With 90% attendance and school in operation for 24 days, February month has progressed very well academically! Children are reviewing concepts learned in the beginning of the year and preparing them for assessments that are due in the month of March. K3 and K4 also had a second round of assessment in all the schools. Social workers are busy with house visits for new enrollment in K3 for the next academic year.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 140
Total number of meals served this month: 4,751
No. of school days: 24
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 104
Average attendance: 95
Attendance in %: 92
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 36
Total breakfasts served: 2,286
Total lunches served: 1,931
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 534
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 171,305
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 283,208
Writing practice of numbers by K5 children
Patterns … Read more »
Edelweiss School January 2016 Newsletter Update
There is a lot to look forward to as we step in the second half of the academic year! This second half is more rigorous as compared to the first half as we have more working days and a lot of teaching material. K5 children will concentrate on learning a lot of new things required for them to be ready to face the challenge in a new school when they leave us in end of April this year. K3 and K4 will face less difficult challenges than K5, they will also meet their goal and be ready to move on to the next level. All children will take an assessment test in April and will be promoted to the next level depending on their performance. January month had a lot of visitors following up the Christmas and the vacation holidays … Read more »
Edelweiss School December 2015 Newsletter Update
2015 started off with a bright spark and ended with the same joy and happiness at Edelweiss. December marks the end of the year and is the most joy-filled month for everyone as we move on and celebrate the achievements from this year and look forward to starting fresh in 2016. Edelweiss had a lot to celebrate when stepping into the second half of the academic year. Enrollment has been steady with very few drop outs, maximum number of children benefitting from this program. We also celebrated the reaching 250,000 served meals since the opening of the school. We are expecting all 46 children from K5 classroom to graduate in April 2016, wishing and hoping the best for these children in continuing their education in English Medium schools.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 142
Total number of meals served this month: … Read more »
Edelweiss School November 2015 Newsletter Update
The 11th anniversary of Building Blocks was celebrated on Children’s Day, November 14th with a gala show put on by the students from the Building Blocks schools! Nice to see the children dance on popular Indian Cinema songs and entertain the crowd. The theme for the Children’s Day was Colors of India. Both K5 and ASP students of Edelweiss School performed dances from the top billboard songs from this year. Like always, Leela Palace in Bangalore served 450 delicious meals to all the children, staff and guests for this occasion. A total of 700 blankets were distributed to all the students of Building Blocks as gifts for Children’s Day.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 142
Total number of meals served this month: 4,324
No. of school days: 22
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 104
Average attendance: 93
Attendance in %: 89
No. of Students Enrolled … Read more »
Edelweiss School October 2015 Newsletter Update
We take pride announcing and congratulating ABC‘s Edelweiss School team in winning the first place for their effective presentation on ’Usage of Alliteration in Phonics! Way to Go Edelweiss! Throughout the year there are several training sessions which help in meeting their goal. This month too, all the teachers of Building Blocks Schools had workshops on Phase One Jolly Phonics and were also given a topic on which the teachers had to make lesson plans, demonstrate and present the topic in front of all the other schools.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 142
Total number of meals served this month: 3,651
No. of school days: 19
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 104
Average attendance: 92
Attendance in %: 88
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 38
Total breakfasts served: 1,763
Total lunches served: 1,594
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 294
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 155,460
Total … Read more »
Edelweiss School September 2015 Newsletter Update
“On September 5th, Edelweiss celebrated Teachers Day to express gratitude for the wonderful work that teachers do all year long. Edelweiss takes great pride in their staff and students look up to their teachers as their role models. Parents of students participated in this celebration feeling thankful towards the good level of education their children receive here. On the 7th of September, Building Blocks organized a memorable day out for the teachers at the Garden Asia Resort as a sign of appreciation.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 142
Total number of meals served this month: 3,952
No. of school days: 19
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 104
Average attendance: 92
Attendance in %: 88
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 38
Total breakfasts served: 1,763
Total lunches served: 1,594
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 595
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 151,809
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since … Read more »
Edelweiss School August 2015 Newsletter Update
August 15th marks as the Independence Day for India and all our ABC schools celebrated 69th Indian Independence day by hoisting flag, singing national anthem, children dressing up as various historic characters and feasting on a special lunch. A lot of art activities were arranged to entertain the children. Parents too joined the children in this celebration.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 141
Total number of meals served this month:4,448
No. of school days: 22
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 104
Average attendance: 94
Attendance in %: 90
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 37
Total breakfasts served: 2,064
Total lunches served: 1,802
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 582
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 147,857
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 234,644
I can count!
This month K4 learned, one on one correspondence. Activities included snow man, pairs, matching game, where is thumbkin, find a friend, … Read more »
Edelweiss School July 2015 Newsletter Update
No more tantrums to throw, no more crying to say good bye to their parents – Just one month into the school, what a change in the 3 and 4 year olds for being first time away from their parents!
As we leap forward into the next month we see children hopping and running into the school every morning. Things have calmed and settled down with the new children. Focus is back into learning for all K3, K4 and K5 kids. After School Program (ASP) enrollment has gone up by 85% from the last month. A total of 37 students from 1st to 4th grades taking advantage of this ASP program! We also have few visitors coming to the school and appreciating the teachers’ effort in sharing their love, knowledge and time with these poor children. ABC-BB youngest volunteers celebrate their … Read more »
Edelweiss School June 2015 Newsletter Update
“A fresh start….” A time, when one can put their best foot forward! Each student is determined to make this year a better one. With their minds set ablaze with this dream, who knows? Maybe one of them will be ready to rock the world!
ABC Edelweiss School started its new academic year on June 8th, 2015 with a jubilant start. A whopping number of 102 children are enrolled at Edelweiss school this year! ABC is very happy to share that we have a new program for 3 year olds – K3. A total of 36 enrolled in K3, 20 in K4 and 46 in K5 – A big achievement to the previous academic year! The school will be open six days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ABC welcomes all the children and staff to the 2015-16, a … Read more »
Edelweiss School April 2015 Newsletter Update
AlphaBet Club Building Blocks is proud to have completed another impactful academic year. A total of 37 children graduated this year from K5 in Edelweiss. A total of 33,695 MEALS for the academic year, 135,322 MEALS since opening of Edelweiss and 211,970 Partnership MEALS were served! Kindergarten diploma certificates were handed to all the graduates. Academic excellence certificates were handed over to outstanding children for many categories.
Learning came to an end with an official final assessment for all K5 kids in all the Building Blocks Schools with children performing much better than the previous years.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 113
Total number of meals served this month: 2,159
No. of school days: 14
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 87
Average attendance: 74
Attendance in %: 85
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 26
Total breakfasts served: 1,038
Total lunches served: 1,038
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 83
Total … Read more »
Edelweiss School Graduation Ceremony 2015
Celebrating another great academic year with 114 children enrolled at AlphaBet Club Building Blocks Edelweiss in India.
Celebrating 37 Students Graduating to 1st Grade, plus 51 advancing to UKG Grade, plus 26 After School Program graduates, a great school staff, 110,000+ times our students washed their hands at our school this year and surpassing 200,000+ nutritious meals served at our schools.
We also celebrated that 39 students (20 of our graduating students and 19 of our …past graduates) have been sponsored by private individuals to get next 10 years of their education sponsored.
Special thanks to our local partner in India, Building Blocks India whose expertise and professionalism make our Edelweiss and Freesia School projects possible, and we thank all the teachers and staff for another great year full of education, nutrition, fun, love and growth for these children. Special thanks also to … Read more »
Edelweiss School March 2015 Newsletter Update
Month of March has been an exciting month at Edelweiss. AlphaBet Club Building Blocks is proud to have surpassed 200,000 meals this month! With Troy Swanson visiting ABC Edelweiss and with many of ABC volunteers and friends visiting, this month has been a busy month for all at school.
Learning came to an end with an official final assessment for all K5 kids in all the Building Blocks Schools. Edelweiss also had a fabulous HOLI – “festival of colors” celebration with many friends.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 116
Total number of meals served this month: 3,893
No. of school days: 22
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 87
Average attendance: 77
Attendance in %: 89
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 29
Total breakfasts served: 1,702
Total lunches served: 1,702
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 489
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 133,163
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since … Read more »
Edelweiss School February 2015 Newsletter Update
As we get close to the end of 2014-15 academic year, reading, writing and learning at our Edelweiss school is at a full swing. Children of K5 are being tested every Friday in English and Math. They seem to be doing very well like all students of other BB schools. Come April, it will be a sad but a proud moment for all the teachers to bid these children adieu as they move out of Edelweiss and start another remarkable journey in other English Medium schools.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 118
Total number of meals served this month: 3,357
No. of school days: 19
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 89
Average attendance: 78
Attendance in %: 88
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 29
Total breakfasts served: 1,493
Total lunches served: 1,493
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 371
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 129, 270
Total … Read more »
Edelweiss School January 2015 Newsletter Update
2014 has passed and we at Edelweiss School have smoothly transitioned into 2015. 2014 saw great accomplishments! K5 children are almost ready to exit our schools. With only few months left in the current academic year, curriculum coordinators and teachers are working very hard to finish out yet another successful year for all our children at our ABC Schools.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 118
Total number of meals served this month: 2,456
No. of school days: 15
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 89
Average attendance: 74
Attendance in %: 83
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 29
Total breakfasts served: 1,120
Total lunches served: 1,120
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 216
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 125,913
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 194,025
K4 Math
Children practiced writing numbers and writing missing numbers from 1-50. They were also tested orally for even and odd numbers.
K5 … Read more »
Edelweiss School December 2014 Newsletter Update
ABC Edelweiss children had wonderful Christmas celebrations! With Christmas in the air, our expert carol singers (Edelweiss children) and an onboard Santa Claus (Mary, Edelweiss teacher) to bring in gifts there was nothing left in mesmerizing these kids. They were spell bound by the month long happenings at school. Children also enjoyed good ten days of holidays for Christmas and New Year. Year 2014 went by smoothly at Edelweiss with many scholastic goals achieved and learning reaching its summit as we go past the mid academic year now!
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 118
Total number of meals served this month: 2,982
No. of school days: 16
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 89
Average attendance: 81
Attendance in %: 92
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 29
Total breakfasts served: 1,303
Total lunches served: 1,303
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 376
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: … Read more »
Edelweiss School November 2014 Newsletter Update
A mega Children’s Day event and the Tenth Anniversary of Building Blocks Schools was celebrated on Nov 15th at Primus Public School with about 400 Building Blocks children and a total of 600 people attending this event. This was a huge success with brilliant performances from BB kids which completely mesmerized the audience asking for more! Guests danced till their feet ached, clapped till their hands turned sore and sang their voices out with the children. This lifted the spirit of the kids and left them performing at their best. This one time yearly event drew a big crowd and the newspaper media to the event wanting to publish the article for Children’s Day!
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 118
Total number of meals served this month: 3,254
No. of school days: 19
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 89
Average attendance: 80
Attendance in %: … Read more »
Edelweiss School October 2014 Newsletter Update
Visiting the Hindustan Aeronautical Museum (HAL) in Bangalore was a life changing experience for Edelweiss students as all experienced planes for the first time! Children were thrilled to see full size planes and helicopters up close. Their imaginations have expanded by visiting this museum! Diwali the “Festival of lights” was celebrated in October with great pomp and honor and all the ABC-Edelweiss kids enjoyed feasting on the special lunch that was arranged on Diwali day.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 119
Total number of meals served this month: 2,460
No. of school days: 17
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 89
Average attendance: 75
Attendance in %: 85
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 30
Total breakfasts served: 1,206
Total lunches served: 1,124
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 130
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 117,221
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 177,581
K4 Math – Numeration 1-5, plus … Read more »
Edelweiss School September 2014 Newsletter Update
September has been an exciting month at ABC-Edelweiss. We have seen a lot of events, activities and a wide range of learning by children at our Edelweiss School. Join us as we share these moments with our ABC members! Volunteers from Blue Jeans Co. have given our school a face lift by painting the school. Sandra from Action Care Dubai visited our center. Teacher’s day was celebrated on 5th September with all the students and teachers. Also, September born children celebrated their birthdays with their friends at school.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 117
Total number of meals served this month: 3,447
No. of school days: 19
No. of Students enrolled (Day): 89
Average attendance: 75
Attendance in %: 86
No. of students enrolled (ASP): 28
Total breakfasts served: 1,503
Total lunches served: 1,503
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 441
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: … Read more »
Edelweiss School August 2014 Newsletter Update
August has had many extraordinary events at our ABC sponsored Edelweiss school and we are eager to share the news with all ABC members. August 15th, 68th year of Independence is a memorable day in the history of India. ABC Edelweiss and Freesia Schools had the opportunity to celebrate the Independence Day in great glamour. Children also have had a fun filled field trip to Pizza Hut. For many, it was the first time having Pizzas in their lives!
Our K4/K5 children are progressing well in academics and ASP children getting benefitted with our After School Program.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 124
Total number of meals served this month: 3,000
No. of school days: 21
Number of Students Enrolled (Day): 93
Average attendance: 77
Attendance in %: 83
Number of Students Enrolled (ASP): 31
Total breakfasts served: 1,388
Total lunches served: 1,388
Total meals served at … Read more »
Edelweiss School July 2014 Newsletter Update
A lot has happened in July! Here is a peek into the activities that the children of Building Blocks Edelweiss School ventured into. With our regular stream of activities that we do in Math, Social Science, Value Education, Health and Hygiene, this month’s prime focus was K5 children’s visit to the planetarium. Children were able to connect their classroom exploration of solar system and universe to the models on display and the film on constellations.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 115
Total number of meals served this month: 3,558
No. of school days: 21
No. of students enrolled (Day): 93
Average attendance: 78
Attendance in %: 84
No. of students enrolled (ASP): 22
Total breakfasts served: 1,639
Total lunches served: 1,639
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 280
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 108,314
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 160,346
Academics ran in full swing with … Read more »
Edelweiss School June 2014 Newsletter Update
June 2014-15 marks the beginning of the new academic year for ABC Schools. With notable rejuvenation from our K5 children, hustle and bustle of the first timers (K4) and with lot of anticipation and expectation from teachers for the new academic year, the school started off promptly. With great many planned activities, lots of action and with a renewed vision, there is a lot to look forward to this academic year!
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 114
Total number of meals served this month: 3,129
No. of school days: 20
No. of students enrolled (Day): 93
Average attendance: 76
Attendance in %: 81
No. of students enrolled (ASP): 21
Total breakfasts served: 1,511
Total lunches served: 1,511
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 107
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 104,756
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 153,470
Education is of utmost priority at all our ABC Schools. There … Read more »
Edelweiss School March 2014 Newsletter Update
March has been a very exciting month for the Edelweiss School. Not only has the school been visited by special friends but a new play area has been added for the kids. AlphaBet Club volunteers – Giles, Diego, Yana and Laura along with Troy visited the school and were overwhelmed at the students’ performances and the organized structure of the school. They were thrilled to see the maintenance of the school environment compared to the slums the children came from.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 123
Total number of meals served this month: 4,073
No. of school days: 24
Average attendance: 80
Attendance in %: 83%
Number of Students Enrolled (ASP): 29
Total breakfasts served: 1,992
Total lunches served: 1,630
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 451
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 99,493
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 142,444
Our friends from the AlphaBet Club … Read more »
Edelweiss School February 2014 Newsletter Update
February has been a fun packed month of learning at Edelweiss. We have had some exciting training sessions, refreshing the vision of the teachers and staff to continue their efforts to help make a difference in the lives of the children. We also have had a re-envisioning parent-teacher meeting to help inspire the parents to continue the journey of training and educating their children for the future and to instill in them the importance of education.
February is the ninth month of the eleven month school year. Students in Edelweiss are fast progressing in their academics as well in other aspects of their daily lives such as hygiene, safety, health and nutrition.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 93
Total number of meals served this month: 3,294
No. of school days: 21
Average attendance: 75
Attendance in %: 82%
No. of students enrolled … Read more »
Edelweiss School January 2014 Newsletter Update
The new year of 2014 started off well, with fresh vision and fresh inspiration, and never a dull moment! We have had some exciting training sessions, refreshing the vision of the teachers and staff to continue their efforts to help make a difference in the lives of the children. We also have had a re-envisioning parent-teacher meeting to help inspire the parents to continue the journey of training and educating their children for the future and to instill in them the importance of this, to bring them a new and bright future.
Although January is the first month of a brand new year, the children at Edelweiss School are starting the eighth month of their 11 month school year. Children are back after an enjoyable and well deserved winter vacation.
Attendance and Nutrition
Total Number of Students Enrolled: 126
Total number of meals served this month: 3,762
No. … Read more »
Edelweiss School December 2013 Newsletter Update
December was a month full of many celebrations at Edelweiss – 100,000th meal celebrations, special visitors and Christmas celebration and gifts at the school.
December is the seventh month of the 11 month school year. Children at Edelweiss enjoy coming to school and learning new things everyday in their Circle Time. The teachers are also using new and interesting techniques to teach concepts to children.
Attendance and Nutrition
Total Number of Students Enrolled: 126
Total number of meals served this month: 2,915
No. of school days: 16
Number of Students Enrolled (Day): 106
Average attendance (Day): 90
Attendance in % (Day): 84.9%
Number of Students Enrolled (ASP): 20
Total breakfasts served: 1441
Total lunches served: 1281
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 193
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 77,730
Total # of meals served at ABC-BB Schools: 118,190 meals
The kids learn about basic hygiene everyday in their … Read more »
100,000th Nutritious Meal Celebration at ABC Schools in India
As the proverb goes – “A hungry stomach has no ears”. Join us in reliving the celebration with our students at the Edelweiss and Freesia Schools in Bangalore, India. Thanks to all ABC donors, partners and Building Blocks staff for providing nutritious meals, 100,000+ times, for these children, with two meals a day, 6 days a week.
The children attending these schools are from impoverished families with many siblings, where often times if it weren’t for school nutrition programs they may not even get 1 square meal a day. Over the last years, with funding support from the AlphaBet Club, Building Blocks has opened two schools near large urban slums in Bangalore, India. Edelweiss (currently with 127 children enrolled) in Tilaknagar area and Freesia (currently with 118 children enrolled) in Chinappa Gardens area of Bangalore.
In October, the Building Blocks Edelweiss … Read more »
Celebrating ABC Edelweiss School’s 3rd Year Anniversary Today!
We’re happy today, to celebrate the 3rd Anniversary of ABC’s Edelweiss School!
Enjoy watching the Launch Video and TV 9 News Video (BELOW) from our opening day ceremonies in 2010.
We’re pleased to share that our school now has 128 students that attend daily, up from 45 students when we launched 3 years ago. Children attend school 6 days a week, with instruction only in English, and approximately 30 children graduating each year.
Each student receives 2 nutritious meals a day, free of charge as well as periodic medical check ups and gifts at Children’s Day. Edelweiss School has served at total of 80,000 nutritious meals to students since it’s opening 3 years ago.
An After School Program (ASP) was implemented last year giving the graduated 6 year olds the opportunity to come back for 2 hours of free instruction … Read more »
Edelweiss School November 2013 Newsletter Update
November is the sixth month of the 11 month school year. We had grand celebrations this month. We celebrated the 9th anniversary of Building Blocks on the 9th of November and also the Children’s Day. All the children going to Building Blocks had a gala time on the special day, they also gave us many wonderful performances. Each child was also given gift of magic slated, school bags and stationery
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 20
No. of students enrolled: 107
No. of students enrolled for ASP: 24
Average attendance: 86
Attendance in %: 80%
Total breakfasts served: 1766
Total lunches served: 1628
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 345
Total number of meals served this month: 3739
Total number meals served since opening (including ASP): 81904
The K4 class children are having fun learning about baby monkeys, winter weather and winter clothes. In Genki English, the children … Read more »
Edelweiss School October 2013 Newsletter Update
October is the fifth month of the 11 month school year. Children here at Edelweiss are having a fun time coming to school and learning new things everyday in their Circle Time.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 20
No. of students enrolled: 107
No. of students enrolled for ASP: 28
Average attendance: 89
Attendance in %: 83%
Total breakfasts served: 1785
Total lunches served: 1565
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 373
Total number of meals served this month: 3350
Total number meals served since opening: 78165
The kids are learning about basic hygiene in their classes. The K4 class learned about mannerisms, how to be well-mannered.
In Viva Science, the children learned about Weather and the different seasons and also various outdoor activities.
The kids love doing activities in fun with Math. They did many activities like Play with dough numerals, fun with math sweet sets, clothespin … Read more »
Edelweiss School September 2013 Newsletter Update
September is the fourth month of the 11 month school year. Children here at Edelweiss are having a fun time coming to school and learning new things everyday in their Circle Time. The Circle Time is a chart which has various topics all together in one place. The children can learn about the weather, days of the week, month, words, date, colors, shapes and counting numbers.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 21
No. of students enrolled: 107
No. of students enrolled for ASP: 21
Average attendance: 92
Attendance in %: 85.9%
Total breakfasts served: 1922
Total lunches served: 1771
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 346
Total number of meals served this month: 4039
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 74815
Learning Focus:
The kids are learning about basic hygiene in their classes. The K4 class learned about mannerisms, how to be well-mannered. They also learned about the role … Read more »
Edelweiss School August 2013 Newsletter Update
August is the third month of the 11 month school year. The children are being introduced to new activities and topics in the Montessori and Circle time in their classes. The children were taught about the Indian Independence and celebrated the 66th Independence Day on August 15th.
Attendance and Nutrition:
The total enrollment of the school is 96.
The average attendance is 93 students per day.
Total enrollment for ASP for this month is 20
Total number of meals served in this month were – 3,316.
The total number of meals served at Edelweiss since the opening are – 74,469.
Learning Focus:
The students of class K4 are being taught cleanliness and hygiene – washing hands and brushing teeth. The kids are also learning about the body parts and the five senses in their Viva Science.
Genki English is used to teach thekids English in a fun way through entertainment like … Read more »
Edelweiss School July 2013 Newsletter Update
The Edelweiss school has a brand new location! Due to the unfortunate removal of the BTM Layout slum where the school was initially situated, it was decided to relocate the school as the attendance at Edelweiss would eventually have dropped. Edelweiss is now located in Tilak Nagar where it will continue to provide its services to bright and eager children.
The “Re-launch Ceremony of Edelweiss School” was celebrated on the 8th of July 2013 and was attended by many people, known to the AlphaBet Club and Building Blocks. The ceremony was simple, with the ribbon cutting and the traditional lighting of the lamp. Everyone attending wished us success for the future!
July is the 2nd month of the school year. Children will receive 9 more months of fun-filled education and nutrition. The total enrollment is 96 and average attendance per day is … Read more »
Edelweiss School April 2013 Newsletter Update
April is the 11th month of the school year. The last month of the academic year.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 24
No. of students enrolled: 90
No. of students enrolled at ASP: 20
Average attendance: 87
Attendance in %: 88%
Total breakfasts served: 1,833
Total lunches served: 1,524
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 51
Total number of meals served this month: 3408
Total number meals served since opening: 68,614
Learning Focus:
Since, April is the last month of the year, before school shuts down for summer vacation; the entire curriculum was reviewed for the final examinations. The students were also taught music with the Brillkids Little Musician.
Physical Education:
The kids learned fundamental body movements like Walking, Running etc. They also enjoy playing in their play area.
Character Development:
The character development card for the kids in this month was ‘Being Respectful’.
The academic year of 2012-2013 saw the nutrition program at … Read more »
Edelweiss School March 2013 Newsletter Update
Edelweiss was colorful this month, with the celebration of Holi festival and also because of the visitors that came in! The students had a great time at the Edelweiss. March is the 10th month of the school year, 1 month remaining.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 20
No. of students enrolled: 95
Average attendance: 79
Attendance in %: 86%
Total breakfasts served: 1,657
Total lunches served:1,575
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 238
Total number of meals served this month: 3,470
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 65,206
Learning Focus:
The K5 kids are reviewing their Tricky words, Sounds, Formation, Blending and Dictation in their Jolly Phonics class. In Genki English class, the children were taught “Where do you live?”, “Where are you from?” etc. The kids also enjoyed learning music through Brillkids Little Musician.
The kids had fun learning Math through ‘Big and Little Animals’. The … Read more »
Edelweiss School February 2013 Newsletter Update
February is the 9th month of the school year, 2 months remaining.
A good start to the month! We had many visitors who spent the day with the kids, had fun and were happy to see the kids moving forward in their lives at Building Blocks Edelweiss. Many fun and exciting activities were planned for our classrooms. The children learned a lot of new things in their academics.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 24
No. of students enrolled: 96
Average attendance: 79
Attendance in %: 83%
Total breakfasts served: 1,905
Total lunches served: 1,604
Total number of meals served this month: 3,509
Total number meals served since opening: 61,736
Learning Focus:
The K5 kids are reviewing their Tricky words, Sounds, Formation, Blending and Dictation in their Jolly Phonics class. In Genki English class, the children were taught “I’m thirsty”, “How much?”, “How many?” The kids also enjoyed learning music through Brillkids … Read more »
Edelweiss School January 2013 Newsletter Update
January is the 8th month of the school year, 3 months remaining. A warm welcome to all the kids and staff at Edelweiss and to all those associated with this learning center, best wishes for a healthy, happy and fun-filled 2013! January saw the Edelweiss learning center being painted with vibrant colors and beautiful murals on all the walls. The kids surely enjoy their time here, amongst beautiful paintings in their classrooms.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 21
No. of students enrolled: 97
Average attendance: 81
Attendance in %: 83%
Total breakfasts served: 1,691
Total lunches served: 1,625
Total number of meals served this month: 3,316
Total number meals served since opening: 58,420
Learning Focus:
Tricky words, sounds and word formation were reviewed by the K5 kids in their Jolly Phonics class. The kids learned ‘Doctor, Doctor’, ‘How much?’, ‘How many?’ and ‘I’m thirsty’ in the Genki English class.
They also learned music through the … Read more »
Edelweiss School December 2012 Newsletter Update
2012 was an excellent academic year for Edelweiss, so many things seen and so many things learned. There has been an immense advancement and much has been accomplished on all fronts, by the students and staff at Edelweiss. December was a thrilling month for the kids at Edelweiss. They were invited to many Christmas parties. They enjoyed themselves very much. They received many gifts and loads of love was showered on them by everyone they met. December is the 7th month of the school year, 4 months remaining.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of school days: 18
No. of students enrolled: 98
Average attendance: 89
Attendance in %: 91%
Total breakfasts served: 1,609
Total lunches served: 1,345
Total number of meals served this month: 2,954
Total number meals served since opening: 55,47
Learning Focus:
The children can now recognize all the 42 sounds of the English language. They have learned 40 tricky words out … Read more »
Edelweiss School November 2012 Newsletter Update
There was never a dull moment for Carnations in November! It was packed with loads of fun activities like the Diwali celebrations, visitors, special events and a lot of “School” too. The teachers put their best into keeping the children happy, healthy and growing.
Attendance and Nutrition:
Attendance : 88%
Meals Served : 3510
Learning focus :
In math, the K4 children are learning the concepts of over, beside, down, on, in front of, behind, forward, top, middle, bottom, first–next- last, start & finish and back-to-back through fun activities.
The K5 Children are practicing writing 1-50, ordinal numbers 1st-10th, concepts of before after and in- between, counting up to 100 and counting by 2’s, 5’s and 10’s.
In phonics, they are practicing reading sentences, recognizing capital letters, identifying short vowels and tricky words in the given sentences.
Children’s Trip To Shoppers Stop
The children were invited to go to the … Read more »
Edelweiss School October 2012 Newsletter Update
The children of Building Blocks Edelweiss had a very exciting month. It was filled with colorful activities, special guests visiting, celebrating festivals and some holidays too. Here is the news of what the children are learning at school and the different activities they are doing.
Attendance and Nutrition:
Attendance was at 84%
Number of meals served : 3038
Learning Focus :
After exploring different materials in the previous classes the children are now learning about spatial relationship.
They are having fun understanding concepts like left -right, above-under, high-low and inside-outside through activities like stackable snacks, bubble blowing and positional I spy.
The children had a lot of fun and educative activities this month. They had Prewriting skills like scissor activities, fun with paper and tracing activities, making a fruit rainbow and paper snipping collage work.The children look forward to these fun activities.
October Happenings
Mr Reddy and his family visited … Read more »
Edelweiss School September 2012 Newsletter Update
Parent Teacher Meeting –
The first PTM for the academic year 2012-2013 was conducted in all the five schools. It was well organised. The teachers introduced all the activities and curriculum to the parents.. They were very happy and satisfied with all that the school is giving their child. They expressed their gratitude towards the sponsors’ and Building Blocks for providing such an opportunity for their children.
Inter School Teachers Meet
The inter school teachers meet was held on the 1st of September 2012. Teachers and managers from all the five schools attended the meeting to discuss and share various operational experiences. Curriculum supervisors shared important observations and opened the floor for discussion and input. The meeting equipped the teachers with better classroom control plans as well as effective lesson plans.
Attendance and Nutrition:
No.of children: 101
Attendance: 87%
Meals Served: 3394
Learning Focus :
The children are learning … Read more »
Edelweiss School July 2012 Newsletter Update
Attendance and Nutrition:
This month with a total strength of 97 students.
We had an attendance of 95%.
Total number of meals served: 2056
Learning Focus:
At the Senior KG level our children are learning the concepts of numbers 16 -‐ 19 and phonetics “ai”, “j” through songs and activities. They are also learning the amazing “My World” in science.
Moral science: Children are learning “Diligence” through stories and activities. They are also learning to keep clean, brushing teeth and washing hands regularly.
A new syllabus in Math has been introduced for the four-year old children:The Big Book of Fun With Math, by Pam Shiller and Lynne Peterson. We are into the first chapter, called “Exploration of Materials” with lot of activities for the kids like sand- table fun, play-dough squeeze etc. The children also had a fun activity … Read more »
Edelweiss School August 2012 Newsletter Update
Building Blocks Celebrates Independence Day!
On the 14th of August the children celebrated the 65th Independence day. The event started with the lighting of the lamp by Dr. Kavitha Reddy. Mr. Senthil Kumar, Mr. Alok Mohanty and Mr. Praveen Kumar from the MedPlus company also joined the ceremony.
Different game stalls and two huge bouncing castles were set up. The children played at all the stalls and danced to some foot thumping music. It was fun!
Mr. BNS Reddy IPS hoisted the Indian national flag and the children sang the national anthem. This was followed by a special yummy meal. The children received a gift hamper each sponsored by Johnson & Johnson, Heinz, P & G, Wipro, Colgate, Palmolive, HLL, and Nestle.
Learning Focus :
Children of the four years age group (K4) are learning math through fun activities-exploration of materials, experimenting and making their own discoveries. They … Read more »