Edelweiss School March 2015 Newsletter Update
Month of March has been an exciting month at Edelweiss. AlphaBet Club Building Blocks is proud to have surpassed 200,000 meals this month! With Troy Swanson visiting ABC Edelweiss and with many of ABC volunteers and friends visiting, this month has been a busy month for all at school.
Learning came to an end with an official final assessment for all K5 kids in all the Building Blocks Schools. Edelweiss also had a fabulous HOLI – “festival of colors” celebration with many friends.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 116
Total number of meals served this month: 3,893
No. of school days: 22
No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 87
Average attendance: 77
Attendance in %: 89
No. of Students Enrolled (ASP): 29
Total breakfasts served: 1,702
Total lunches served: 1,702
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 489
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 133,163
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 207,607
K4 Math
This month they learned writing numbers from 1-100 and writing even and odd numbers from 1-20. Recognizing and writing the numerals, counting the objects and writing the numerals, matching the number of objects in a set to the correct numeral, coloring the correct number of objects, sequencing the numerals and matching sets to their correct numerals. All these activities were done from the math work book.
K5 Math
This month Multiplication tables of 1 and 2 were revised, revision of what comes after and what comes before, numbers from 1-100, missing numbers, lesser to greater / greater to lesser, which is greater than and lesser than (<,>,=) and arranging the numbers in serial order.
K4 English
Children learned the new tricky words: the, he, she, me, we, be, I, was, to, do, are, all, you, your, come, some, said, here, there, the dictations of tricky words, blending words, reading sentences and simple readers – ‘Pick up’ and ‘GO..go..go..’
K5 English
Children learned the new tricky words – does, made and their, dictation of tricky words, blending words from word bank and reading sentences from the word bank. In language, they learned recognizing and writing the beginning and ending vowel sounds and missing sounds, recognizing pictures and writing the words and circling the letters and writing.
K5 Core Curriculum Language Arts – Revision of sentences that were prepared by the teachers (instructional sentences), Value Education and Moral stories were taught– “Let’s be Honest“ and “Doing the right thing”.
K4/K5 Kannada
Introduction of new letters – Dha, Dhaa, na, Pa, Phaa, Ba, Bhaa, Maa, Yaa, Raa
K4 Story time
Stories read were- Sam the Cat, Time to get up, In the Garden, Where are my Socks, My Home, Help others and others will help you, The Tea Party, My album of Shapes and Colors, The Foolish Crocodile, Teddy Bear stories, Elmo and the big bird, The wonderful wizard of OZ, Brad the Crab, Buzzing and Flying, Wiggles the environment and This little Monster.
K5 Story time
Review of stories: The Thirsty Crow, The Lion and the Mouse, The Hare and the Tortoise.
Value Education
Being kind – they learned when we do something to help someone, we are being kind.
Caring for yourself – they learned it is important to take care of ourselves
Learning to obey – they learned obey means doing what you are told to do
Love nature – they learned nature teaches us to help and share
Well balanced nutritious meals were prepared and served every day. Children were fed breakfast and lunch on all working days. Delicious meals were prepared and served with love every day at our Edelweiss school!
K5 Evaluation
Children and teachers at Edelweiss stayed very busy revising all the concepts that were learned throughout the year. A lot of independent work happened, with teachers giving worksheets in all areas of learning from the whole year. Teachers were continuously gauging, assessing and preparing them for the final assessment in March. Selvi and Meher the curriculum coordinators of Building Blocks Schools assessed children of K5 with a formal assessment. An internal assessment happened for all the K4 children also.
Special Celebrations
Holi – Festival of colors signifying the arrival of spring and its bounty of freshness with colours was celebrated with exuberance with friends and visitors at Edelweiss. Children had a fun filled, colorful and a playful holi celebration.
ABC Edelweiss had many visitors from Canada, Europe and India who came and experienced a day at Edelweiss. There were classroom interactions with kids of K4 and K5 and all the visitors left being very happy with the quality learning they saw in children of Edelweiss. Happy to have AlphaBet Club volunteers Danielle Smissaert, Wouter Elemans and Jakoba van der Mei spend time with our projects along with friends Shrutha & Biligiri. Also Casi Z. in from Canada to experience our Edelweiss School project.
Special Thanks to the staff that supports Edelweiss at our Implementation Partner, Building Blocks, and also to our Project Funding Partner, Alternatives 4 Children.