Edelweiss School October 2012 Newsletter Update

Posted on October 10th, by AlphaBet Club in charity, edelweiss, newsletter. No Comments

The children of Building Blocks Edelweiss had a very exciting month. It was filled with colorful activities, special guests visiting, celebrating festivals and some holidays too. Here is the news of what the children are learning at school and the different activities they are doing.

Attendance and Nutrition:

Attendance was at 84%
Number of meals served : 3038

Learning Focus :

After exploring different materials in the previous classes the children are now learning about spatial relationship.

They are having fun understanding concepts like left -right, above-under, high-low and inside-outside through activities like stackable snacks, bubble blowing and positional I spy.

The children had a lot of fun and educative activities this month. They had Prewriting skills like scissor activities, fun with paper and tracing activities, making a fruit rainbow and paper snipping collage work.The children look forward to these fun activities.

October Happenings

Mr Reddy and his family visited the school to celebrate the Karnataka state formation day on the 1st of November. He treated the children with a special lunch and had a fun time with them.

Besides the normal curriculum related activities the children were given a color theme each week to practice. October witnessed shades of yellow and red.