Edelweiss School August 2014 Newsletter Update
August has had many extraordinary events at our ABC sponsored Edelweiss school and we are eager to share the news with all ABC members. August 15th, 68th year of Independence is a memorable day in the history of India. ABC Edelweiss and Freesia Schools had the opportunity to celebrate the Independence Day in great glamour. Children also have had a fun filled field trip to Pizza Hut. For many, it was the first time having Pizzas in their lives!
Our K4/K5 children are progressing well in academics and ASP children getting benefitted with our After School Program.
Attendance and Nutrition
No. of students enrolled: 124
Total number of meals served this month: 3,000
No. of school days: 21
Number of Students Enrolled (Day): 93
Average attendance: 77
Attendance in %: 83
Number of Students Enrolled (ASP): 31
Total breakfasts served: 1,388
Total lunches served: 1,388
Total meals served at ASP
(After School Program): 224
Total number meals served since opening at Edelweiss: 111,314
Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 166,262
Health and Hygiene: We care a lot about our students. These children are groomed with right eating habits and basic hygiene. Since there is a minimal support at home for hygiene we teach them “How to hand wash”, “How to brush their teeth”. With lack of awareness and poverty, these children are susceptible to diseases. Teachers not only teaching the kindergarten curriculum but also involve these children in various acts in the classroom and teach them the basics of cleanliness. Photographs of our classrooms and clean and healthy children justify our initiative.
Independence Day at the Edelweiss school was celebrated in grandeur. Children enjoyed many activities that were specific for the day. Flag hoisting, tri color face painting, flag coloring activity, and a tri color lunch was arranged for the children.
Learning focus
K4 Math
Following activities were accomplished in August. Matching uneven sets, matching even sets, equal, equivalent, fewer than, greater than, less than, more than, one to one, and writing numbers 1-10. Children also learnt ordering by size, ordering by height and length, ordering by weight. Activities to reinforce the ordering concept were, kids in all sizes, play dough balls, concentric circles. Children also learnt, big, bigger, biggest, heavy, heavier, heaviest, long, longer, longest, small, medium, large etc.
Numeration of numbers 1-5, Plus 0 was achieved with activities on number bags, children combination, sweet set, drop a set, visual sets. Children were introduced to adding on, equals, minus, numeral subtraction and writing practice of numbers 11 to 20. Learning numerals symbols through following activities – Play dough numerals, grainy numerals, numeral rubbings
K4 Circle time story – “A snowman of my own” and “Who will choose me?”
K5 Circle time Story – Counting clover leaves, Activities for number families
K4 English
Jolly phonics sound taught l, f, b through story action formation and blending
Usage of words for “l” and “f” – lollypop, light, loud, lunch fish, follow, flower, find
K5 English
In jolly phonics, kids learnt blending with ou, oi, ue, er, ar, ai through the process of story with action, formation, blending, identifying the sound and verbal dictation.
K4 Social Science
My Body was the concept for the month. Activities included learning about “my face/my portrait and my body parts” and children drew their faces too. Materials used were story board pieces, colors, pencils, papers.
K5 Social Science
Continent “Asia” was covered for August. Explained about the living condition, food, weather, traditional dress, houses of Asia and showed video. Children also had classroom interactions.
My Five senses, nine activities to match the sounds, texture collage, look and listen and popcorn rap
PE (Both K4 & K5)
Active Games – Games played according to the pink book. Which is move the ball around the body part, kick the ball at a target, play speedy soccer, basketball. Open shut them, walking, head and shoulders, hokey pokey.
Native language Kannada – Introduction of the letter ru, uu
Genki English – Song taught; ‘”Make a Face” explained through word pictures, mini lessons song, song game and game karaoke.
Special thanks to the staff that supports Edelweiss at our Implementation Partner, Building Blocks, and also to our Project Funding Partner, Alternatives 4 Children.
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