Freesia School September 2013 Newsletter Update

Posted on September 10th, by AlphaBet Club in charity, freesia, newsletter. No Comments

September is the 4thmonth of the school year. Having started new things at school, like the circle time and Montessori time, the students have learnt new things fast and are progressing every day. Circle time – The Circle Time is a chart which has various topics all together in one place. The children can learn about the weather, days of the week, month, words, date, colors, shapes and counting numbers.

Attendance and Nutrition

No. of school days: 24
No. of students enrolled: 126
Average attendance: 100
Attendance in %: 79.3%
Total breakfasts served: 1924
Total lunches served: 1924
Total number of meals served this month: 3848

Learning Focus:

The kids are learning about basic hygiene in their classes. The K4 class learned about mannerisms, how to be well-mannered.  We have also started Jolly phonics for the K4 and K5 classes, where they learn alphabets by their sound.

The students make good use of their library and enjoy reading and looking at books with their teachers. The character development card for this month was – Being obedient.


At Freesia, children were served 3,848 nutritious meals this month.

Celebration at Freesia:

We celebrated Troy Swanson’s, Founder of The AlphaBet Club, birthday. All the staff and children cut the cake for him and also sent a surprise video to him.

The link to the video –