Gardenia School September 2015 Newsletter Update

Posted on October 29th, by AlphaBet Club in charity, gardenia, newsletter. 1 Comment

Education is the key to a successful development and teachers have a lasting impact in the lives of their students. On September 5th, Teachers Day was celebrated at Gardenia school. A day to express gratitude for the great work teachers do at the school all year long.  Building blocks organized a memorable outing for them at the Garden Asia Resort on the 7th September.

Attendance and Nutrition

No. of students enrolled: 36

Total number of meals served this month: 1,031

No. of school days: 19

No. of Students Enrolled (Day): 36

Average attendance: 32

Attendance in %: 89

Total breakfasts served: 546

Total lunches served: 485

Total number meals served since opening at Gardenia: 2,321

Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 242,403



Children learned numbers orally from 1 to 50 and counting by 10’s/100’s. In Fun with Math class, they learned the key words big/small/thick/thin/rough/smooth/hard/soft/fast/slow etc.


K3 Jolly Phonics – Sand writing of ‘S’

In Jolly Phonics, kids are introduced to the letter sound of “S” with action, formation, song, game and activity

Through language enrichment cards students learned words like inside, outside, on, off, father – man, mother – woman.  Also, through these cards kids learned the opposite of words and genders.

Local Language Kannada:

This month they learned Kannada language vowels A to Aha orally.

Social Science

K3 learning sounds of animals in circle time

They learned about Community Helpers like fireman, policeman, teacher, nurse etc.

Value Education

Adding value to learning through books

Character development was the topic of the month.  Kids learned to be courteous, well mannered, obedient and attentive.

K3 Program

Shakeup time a MUST for K3 kids

This month they learned about shapes and colors and also they started fun with math classes.

In Jolly Phonics, they started to learn about Jolly Phonic aspects through – environmental sounds, instrumental sounds, body percussion, rhythm and rhyme.

Also, children learned being attentive with stories and activities.

Physical Education

Children are encouraged to play in our outdoor play ground.  Daily 15 minutes of physical activity are included in the school schedule.


Kids eating white rice with egg curry

Well balanced nutritious meals were prepared and served every day. Children were given breakfast and lunch on all working days. A total of 1,031 free meals were served at the Gardenia school this month.

Special Celebrations

Troy Swanson’s birthday celebration

Birthday message for Troy

On September 22nd the staff and children celebrated AlphaBet Club’s founder, Troy Swanson’s birthday with cake and sent him their best wishes. Special meals were arranged for the children.

Community Meetings

Parents meeting with social workers

A community meeting was held by the social workers Christina and Pushpa on September 18th. The topics discussed were student attendance, cleanliness and hygiene.

“Special Thanks to the staff that supports the Gardenia School at our Implementation Partner, Building Blocks, to the Infrastructure Funding Partner, AlphaBet Club donors and volunteers, Casa Foundation for construction and fundraising efforts and DNF for providing the building.”

  • gregory452456

    Such kind education center is more helpful for our child education. They find more interested to study in here. So i think we need to established more Gardenia School as like this.