Freesia School Graduation Ceremony 2015

Posted on May 1st, by AlphaBet Club in charity, freesia. No Comments

Celebrating another great academic year with 92 children enrolled at our Freesia School in India.

Celebrating a record 58 Students Graduating to 1st Grade, plus 27 advancing to UKG Grade, plus 7 After School Program graduates, a great school staff, 100,000+ times our students washed their hands at our school this year and surpassing 75,000+ nutritious meals served at Freesia in last 2 years. We are happy to host the graduation ceremony in the Chinnappa Garden slum for the f…irst time this year. Celebration was well received by all students, parents and school staff.

We are also celebrating that 12 of our students have been accepted upon graduation, to attend the leading primary school for 12 years, free of charge.

Special thanks to our local partner in India, Building Blocks India whose expertise and professionalism make our Freesia School projects possible, and we thank all the teachers and staff for another great year full of education, nutrition, fun, love and growth for these children.

Special thanks also to AlphaBet Club donors, volunteers and partners, and also for Rotary Club Amsterdam International and Wilde Ganze for the initial and continued support in making this school project a reality. Beautiful to follow how the ‘Bangalorious Night’ Event in Amsterdam we hosted a few years back is having impact these children, their families and community.

Photos taken in Chinnappa Garden Slum in Bangalore, India. Freesia School Graduation Ceremony 2015.