Freesia School April 2014 Newsletter Update

Posted on April 28th, by ABC admin in charity, freesia, newsletter. No Comments


This month was very special for Freesia, the first ever graduation ceremony was held on the 26th April. 16 students graduated this year, all of whom have been admitted in English medium schools for their first grade. 

Attendance and Nutrition


No. of school days:                                                16
No. of students enrolled:                                      108
Average attendance:                                             100

Attendance in %:                                                     92%

Total breakfasts served:                                        1,373

Total lunches served:                                             1,220

Total number of meals served this month:     2,593

Total number meals served since opening at Freesia: 45,544

Total ABC-BB School partnership meals since opening: 147, 171


Freesia students also attended their final examinations from the 2nd of April and individual attention was given to each student. The curriculum supervisor also helped the K5 teacher, in conducting the exams as this was the first time exams were being held at Freesia.





The graduation ceremony was equally special as the students were taken to an auditorium and they performed on stage. The audience was enthralled at looking how confident these children were on stage. Many applauses sounded for the first timers!

The number of meals served this month was 2,593.