Freesia School April 2013 Newsletter Update

Posted on April 10th, by AlphaBet Club in charity, freesia, newsletter. No Comments

April being the second month since school opened, the children have accustomed themselves well to the school atmosphere as well as the teachers.
Classes are being conducted regularly and the children love spending time at Freesia. They are exposed to new things and are learning things well.

Attendance and Nutrition

No. of school days: 24
No. of students enrolled: 82
Average attendance: 60
Attendance in %: 73%
Total breakfasts served:1439
Total lunches served: 1215
Total number of meals served this month: 2654

Although the full curriculum has not yet started, fine and gross motor skill development activities are being held for them. The teachers and children have fun doing these activities. Few of the activities that were done are –

  1. Sorting beads, beans
  2. Sand painting – basic
  3. Vegetable printing
  4. Sticking pulses – color coordination


Celebration at Freesia

April 10th Ugadi

Yugādi or Ugadi is the New Year’s Day for the people of the Deccan region of India. The name Yugadi or Ugadi is derived from the Sanskrit words yuga (age) and ādi (beginning): “the beginning of a new age”.

At Freesia, the Ugadi celebration was filled with fun and joy. The children were shown videos and discussed the meaning of the festival and why it is celebrated. The children were treated to a delicious breakfast and lunch too.

April 23rdMothers’ Meeting

On 23rd April, for the first time, we had a Mothers’ meeting, this initiative was taken to involve the mothers (and fathers) of the students, in all activities of the school. In this meeting, the parents were shown and told about the how the school functions and the extent of benefits that their child receives when compared to the other government schools.

Pasha, the school manager spoke to them about the daily activities and meals that their children get. Selvi the curriculum supervisor explained how their children are taught. Mr. James Ambat, founder, Building Blocks, also advised them to send their children to school regularly and various other beneficial programs that their children would receive.

Ms. Kathryn Kylee was also an integral part of this new Community Engagement program. She also spoke to the parents about how they should value the free education that their child was receiving and be thankful.

We had a few students from another school, Azalea, come and perform for the parents so they could see how their child would be in 2 years. Their mothers spoke to the mothers of Freesia students, explaining to them the importance of Building Blocks in their lives. It was an exciting day for all, as this was something new that Building blocks did and hopes to maintain this community relationship at all other schools as well.

The school now remains closed for summer vacation in the month of May and re-opens on the 3rd June, 2013, for a fresh new year.