Announcing the Opening of ABC’s 5th School – Bangalore, India

Posted on May 20th, by ABC admin in charity. No Comments


We’re proud to announce AlphaBet Club’s 5th School Project, our 3rd School in India.  We’re excited after two years of working on this project, to be on June 20th opening  another Building Blocks School for 40 to 60 three to five year old children living in one of the largest slums in Bangalore.   School will be 6 days a week, with instruction primarily in English, with students receiving 2 nutritious meals a day, free of charge.   With the opening of this school we aim to be the first step in empowering these children to break the cycle of poverty – through education and nutrition.

Thanks ABC Volunteers, Partners, Donors & ABC Community for your continued support and the impact you’re having on many children’s lives.